Scalp Therapy Growth Elixir is the oil your hair thanks you for! Scalp Therapy was created to provide an organic and healthy experience for your scalp and hair growth issues. Infused with CBD isolate which promotes healthy hair and loss prevention this elixir is definitely a great alternative.
CBD Isolate, Almond oil, Jajoba Oil, Lavender oil, Peppermint Oil and Argon Oil.
The Essential used in making this product where specifically chosen to aide the scalp and promote health, moisture and growth.
-Almond Oil is to prevent dryness and removing dead skin cells from Scalp.
- Jajoba Oil is rich in vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin E, copper and zinc. This oil makes your hair strong which prevents loss.
- Lavender Oil prevents thinning, hair loss and stimulates growth.
- Peppermint Oil helps keep down unwanted build up on the scalp and follicles. Promoting moisture and circulation in the hair and scalp!
-Argon Oil promotes moisture, seals split ends and strengthens strands.
CBD is a chemical found in marijuana. CBD doesn't contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient found in marijuana that produces a high. Cbd increases blood circulation which is one of the main things are scalp needs to promote hair growth. One of the primary benefits of CBD oil for hair is that it contains a wide range of different amino acids. As you may know, amino acids are the building blocks of protein, so CBD oil can actually strengthen thinning hair and stimulate hair growth.
Scalp Therapy can stimulate the formation of new cells on the scalp and enhance the growth of new hair. Every single strand of hair is made out of protein, and because CBD oil contains 21 amino acids, using SCALP THERAPY Grow Elixir can help grow, strengthen, and moisturize your hair!
We are now a home based business, still offering the same professional services
Located in Southfield, MI
No extra guest during your services.